Carpet Shops Cambridge

Going the extra 140 miles!

We pride ourselves on the standard of customer service we give and our testimonials are completed unedited and truthful. It is something we’ve worked very hard on for 25 years.

Last week we found ourselves with a major problem.

A customer carpet, being shipped from Belgium and scheduled for fitting the following day, went missing en-route! Most carpet shops and flooring providers would call their customer and tell them they’d have to delay the fitting.

Not us.

We tracked down the nearest available carpet, of the exact specification ordered by the customer, and it just happened to be in…Leeds! It would have been nice for it to be much closer but that doesn’t change what we needed to do – so off we went! We drove 140 miles from Cambridge to Leeds, for over 2.5 hours, picked the carpet up from Mercado and drove another 2.5 hours back to Cambridge so the carpet could be fitted the next day.

You’ve heard of going the extra mile and we can prove we go the extra 140 miles.

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